With other weapons existing in the meta with not only substantially better ammo economy but damage as well like grand overture and queen breaker xeno sitting at it’s extremely low reserves really hurts it, let’s also give it increased AOE about the size of rockets and a 20-30% damage bonus to make up for it not having any dps mechanic like grand overtures alt fire or queen breakers 3 round burst
I would love to see unstoppable put on it. Catty to boost its reserves would be nice too, because I'm pretty sure the last time a catalyst added reserves to a weapon was Gjallerhorn's catalyst for the 30th anniversary event. Before that was the Duality shotgun from the Season of the Hunt, and before that was Eriana's Vow from Season of the Undying. Not every weapon catalyst needs to be an additional perk or new ability. Wouldn't mind some good old fashioned stat boost catalysts every now and then.