In act 2 the void hunter gets nerfed once again.
Once they got rid of the no aim assist when invisible. They nerfed the not visible on radar and now they gonna nerf the smoke bombs which is the only good thing on the class because the super is completely garbage.
You have to get close without an ability to really close gaps and then against another super you have to hit twice a lot of times. It is just horrible.
And then you have all these OP abilities on warlocks and titans that are okay? 1 hit shoulder charges of which Bungie wanted to get rid of but still exist. Or warlocks with all these ouls that help them fire. Then there are annoying barricades and overshields 24/7 em consecration that one hits etc etc.
And you tell us this is okay Bungie? What a joke again.
Edited by Lich: 3/11/2025 10:01:15 PMAhh, so you couldn't win your gun fights with smoke holding your hand! Hunters have two ohks with a melee!
Yet it’s still the best pvp class as it has been for the last decade. Get a grip buddy.
They've always hated Hunters; where have you been?
Playing devils advocate - they have introduced 2 strong pvp abilities, namely SE and OTP. However, I feel like Hunters are lagging behind in pve now and SE and OTP are both very mediocre abilities in the pve space. While Titans - Twilight arsenal super is great in both pve and pvp. And storms keep is also great in both. Arguably broken in pve. Warlocks - song of flame broken in pve and good in pvp. Ionic sentry is decent in both too. Point is Warlocks and Titans seem to get a fairly balanced approach with their additions that are in a great spot in pvp and pve. Hunters been getting very pvp centric additions which leaves for a lot to be desired for pve usage.
Dawg it's fine. Most of the burgers here apparently cannot see them at all anyways, so they'll still get ran over as normal lol. They think asking for everything that kills them to be nerfed is gonna help like the next best thing isn't going to terrorize them just as much.
You ain't a Warlock. It's supposed to be Warlocks complaining about Hunters and Titans being op and complaining about being underpowered. And I wonder why that is.