Me & the wife gameshare from my Xbox, always have…Now we have an issue when trying to launch the Pale Heart landing zone it tells her “Requires Destiny 2 The Final Shape”? Thing is we’ve been doing the campaign on Legendary for months on and off (work time permitting lol) with no issues, until tonight? It’ll let her launch the campaign on standard difficulty but from mission 1?…
Uninstalled & Re-Installed Destiny 2 & all add-ons and updates
Powercycled Xbox
Cleared Alt Mac
Does NOT have cross save available as only plays on Xbox
Everything else on the game plays perfectly
All emotes and guns etc from the DLC (Final Shape) are all still available
Plz help
Thx Ed
Hello Ed, Thank you very much for reaching out to us. I'm sorry to hear that you are having trouble getting into the DLC. While DLC, add-ons, promotional items, and pre-order items can sometimes be shared, Season Pass premium track rewards and Dungeon Keys that may be included in these Destiny 2 expansions or editions can't be game shared between platform accounts. Similarly, Eververse purchases are applied to the purchasing account and cannot be game shared. Game sharing is a platform feature and is not officially supported. The successful game sharing of expansions or other licenses was always coincidental, and Bungie makes no effort to provide consistency for players with these platform features. For more information, please see [url=]our Help article[/url].
This would be an issue with xbox. If xbox isn't sharing d2 properly that's on them. Bungie uses xbox/steam/playstation systems to share content.
Did you guys change the HOME Xbox setting?