it's not fun facing invisible hunters using Radiant Dance Machine with broken hip fire weapon and ruining pvp experience
They are fun… stop asking for nerfs of fun stuff
Imagine getting mad that you're dying to a hipfire weapon at 20 meters in a 40 meter meta.
Edited by I am kevin: 3/11/2025 9:24:58 AMHahaha nxt in the line is Tommy match book, then it will be smg with hip fire enhance hahaha this whole season will be like this I am loving it. Wait untill the bows get a turn, it like the world is on fire and I am hold some gasoline
[b]B U M P[/b]
FREELANCE or bust - 3/11/2025 1:57:13 AM
the redrix nerf... can't come soon enough.. its like a going away party today.. I hope that nerf will do the job -
titans can one shot melee warlocks can burn you to death it takes 2 golden gun shots to kill a super, but a warlock can tickle me with one home tracking ice ball and then pop me from anywhere or fire a homing nuke that kills me 3 buildings away hunters can handle the mid range with hip fire and suddenly theyre broken? nonsense, crutch on all your crutches and shhhhh
Just throw on a Jotun and call it a day 🍻
Edited by Deus EP: 3/11/2025 1:13:04 AMGive warlock x2 Icarus dash back if your going to have broken Hunters and Titans every season Or reduce the cool foen
At this point, as much as I hate it, I'd rather bungie just full on remove the hip fire portion of the exotic. It's gonna keep having moments like this, and an otherwise fun exotic is going to be unusable to accommodate for a portion of it that most people using it would probably be fine seeing gone as a trade-off. That's before we get into how the rework already destroyed a few existing rdm strats.