Just got this error. Is anyone else experiencing this or just me. Last time I got I had to uninstalll and reinstall.
Same here.. and to think I paid money for this garbage !! We should start a class action to get our money refunded. Especially those of us that bought everything! Great way to treat paying customers.
Same here it's because bungie started Maintenace already and the hotfix/patch for tomorrow has already been released on the serves but the client on your system isn't able to update so whoever gets the error is just screwed and can't play until the update goes live tomorrow and the update is released this is the second time I've dealt with this nice of bungie to screw over there paying customers.
Didn't notice, because I was playing something else, something that works properly.
Hello there, Thank you very much for reaching out to us. I'm sorry to hear that you are having trouble getting into the game. This might have been caused by the maintenance that just completed and it may take a bit of time to get into the game. If you are still facing this issue, please try [url=https://help.bungie.net/hc/en-us/articles/360049199051-Clearing-the-Console-Cache]clearing your game cache[/url] and [url=https://help.bungie.net/hc/en-us/articles/360049196071-Accessing-and-Restoring-Licenses-to-Destiny-Content]restoring your licenses[/url] to see if it helps.
Restore licenses
I just got the same thing..... so weird fr
yuup, same shet... just got of gambit game and like rudee go learn game, and i was like whaat i drunk im not so drunnk duudes wtf im enjoying my game like then game disconected an d some weasel report came .... like server conection down and what now...
I just got in
I kept trying and it eventually let me back in
Just keep trying. It happen to me and I got back in
Same here .... but got in after restarting my system (PS5)
Had it also. On next attempt I got the throttled login screen.
It's a maintenance thing, but it should be done as of 2 pm PDT which was a few minutes ago. Unsure if it normally takes a bit longer.
also got coded. my guess is Bungie put system on hold prepping for update of act 2
Just let me back in
I restored my license and it started working
Yeah i just got this after playing another game I'm like wtf is going on here lol
yeh just got this error aswell right after going to orbit
yeah, tried hard reset, then went into manage game and found I needed to re-download all the DLC packs but still nothing. Way past time to get the game off the Halo CE engine and Halo CE servers.
Same here.
Same Issue, hard reset of Xbox did nothing. They had (have) background maintenance going today. Must have screwed the pooch somehow.
Yeah as soon as my trials game ended. Weasel. Then that message upon trying to log in.
yea same here, just got kicked to title screen with "weasel" error code