over 10hours playing Trial this week, 122 matches, 1.3KD this week, and only 5 win streak this week, not flawless/Lighthouse cause need 6/7 win streak.
I am solo queue player for PC. This week match making is Worst experience of my Trial History.
I don't care KD/Win rate. Not farming flawless and stats. I really don't like stats farming.
Just wanna go flawless/lighthouse with 6/7 win streak and make my day.
I am feeling if I have good permance like Crutch, 12KD, etc, then you will be see Bronze and less than 0.6KD teammates.
Strongly not suggest you to play Trial This week if you solo, avg PvP player.
Except Duo, Trio, Console players cause I don't play these.
After this posted, first flawless/Lighthouse.
Total play time this week is over 15 hours, 137match, 1.3KD, only solo queue.
My opnion is not changed. Strongly not suggest you to play Trial Solo queue.
This week Trial Solo match making is not good for avg PvP players.
Yes something is wrong with trials this week. I keep getting pleople wit a 7 win streak (100% of the matches!), that should not be possible because I am not on a 7 win streak but only 3. They should have SBMM