So as a fan of Tattoos, and as a prior military guy that was loosely related to the Navy begrudgingly, us Marines tend to like things such as tattoos.
I want to get a few more at some point, currently only got a Celtic dragon on me shoulder. I like tattoos and find them to be kind of creative.
I know that society has had rough history with those with tattoos, but not everyone with them is a criminal or sailor.
[i]My main question to you today is what are your first thoughts when you see someone covered in tattoos?[/i]
[spoiler]Personally I see either one of three types of people:
1. A creative artistic person who may seem different but are still fun pleasant people to be around and full of energy.
2. You found the old salt-dawg sailor at a bar as he discusses this one time he was at sea and he seen the Kraken.
3. I find that I have interpreted multiple red flags of someone who did some time locked up, and I can read a story based on imagery that was used or placed in specific areas without them saying a word.
I get having a tattoo as a personal memory or way to express themselves. I just do not have positive impressions of someone who is covered with them. Discreet ones for remembrance, or people who have served in the military with strong ties to their comrades in arms, stuff like that, fine. I've seen some that are great works of art and very well done. [u]My honest assessment;[/u] (and it's not likely to be popular) My 'first' thoughts usually only pertain to individuals who are covered in tattoos. My outstanding initial thought otherwise is that the individual wasted money on something that will look like a kindergarten art drawing when they get old. Discreet, hidden, and aesthetically refined tattoos I normally have no exception to. Not unless the tattoo is overtly dark/negative. That tells me all I need to know. Far too frequently those who are absolutely covered with them seem to be either individuals that people normally give a wide berth to, or just over affluent hipsters. I've seen far many like this on financial assistance to get by day to day. It's sad and perturbing that they do not know how to place proper priority in their lives. I truly do not understand what compels someone to do this, outside of tribal or islander rights of passage. If you have them covering above your collar line and on your face, relating to gang ties or dark influences, you probably belong incarcerated. I think that most younger people who get them today only get them because it is the latest fad. It was never before as prominent as it has been in the last 10 years. However, at the same time I'm never going to tell anyone that they can't get them, nor do what they want.