Your RNG system plays exactly the same as weight gate, and now it's even worse because Trials adepts only have one perk in column three. Please, for the love of god, change this back.
This farm has been the worst so far.
It would be nice to get an adept after every win, I've gotten seasonal weapons instead of trials weapons all weekend. It's made this grind horrible.
i mean it’s the same thing for nightfall adepts. i don’t think this should be added, we get showered in perk-filled loot compared to the earlier years of D2. triple perk raid adepts, double perk seasonal weapons (which were literally never a thing), even double perk WORLD DROPS from lost sectors. we’d just be trivializing the game even more. i spent my fair share of time in trials this weekend (about 71 games to get my 3 god rolls) and that’s only because i didn’t want to wait. the sniper will be back in around 6-8 weeks, you don’t HAVE to get it this weekend. besides, you can literally just buy it from saint, you don’t need the adept version other than to have a sticker on it.
What are fake double perks?