I've been saying this since Witch Queen. Nightstalker needs more utility other than Invisibility for PvE. They already had good uptime for it with just a few abilities. It was so unnecessary to make every single ability in its kit grant Invisibility--especially since Nightstalker can hardly get any additional benefits from it. Sure, they had Gyrfalcon, Omnioculis, and Stylish Execution, and that was it. On the Prowl is hardly any better. No inherit effects like improved ability regen or faster movement speed while Invisible, and Stylish Execution requires you to kill Void debuffed targets to use its effect, basically keeping it from synergizing with the rest of your kit.
Nightstalker was marketed for Void 3.0 as the Invisibility and Weakening expert, yet, nearly all the focus was on Invisibility. Why couldn't they lean more into Weakening, or creating traps? Why couldn't they have Vanishing Step leave behind a Weakening cloud, or a Void decoy that detonates and Weakens nearby enemies it damages? Why couldn't they have Trapper's Ambush grant a second Smoke Bomb charge, and increase its radius and duration, or allow you to convert your Smoke Bomb into a Void trap that creates a cage around enemies when they step on it, dealing damage to them over time? Why couldn't they allow Stylish Execution to apply weaken to surrounding enemies if you deal a melee final blow on a Void debuffed target?
They could have done so much more with Nightstalker, but they decided to continue doubling down on Invisibility. They need to step away from that, and focus on more offensive utility.
[spoiler] Welp, it seems that many people disagree… [/spoiler]
I won’t lie when it came to on the prowl… I just hated it for a very good reason It offered nothing that the hunter couldn’t already do with the void subclass I mean look at warlock and titan when it comes to void… you get a void buddy for AE damage, you get weakening and it can give you devour if you have that as an aspect Titan, you won’t believe actually has an aspect that works on both bubble and sentinel Titan, as it gives you two shield or a stronger bubble depending on super Meaning what does void hunter bring to the table… wooo invisibility… that doesn’t help if everything is DEAD.