To use only exotics that amplify the hip fire of certain weapons that also benefits its perk makes it definitely difficult to counter and making it more a movement then about gunplay and less require to aim. We basically repeating history and making players rely using certain exotics and not investing making others usable and using other weapons to play with for fun. Bungie you adjust the hitbox especially for spam hipfire meta and tommys in pvp its a pve weapon adjusted the damage so it in line with other or don’t surpass and stop it being exploited in pvp. Kill the weapon and we can start using different weapons again.
The issue is rdm. While hipfiring you lose a bit of accuracy and range similar to other hip fires but with rdm instead you get a boost making the hipfire purely better than the aim down. Which it already rewarded by reducing the hp drain of the ignition trigger from like 10-15 down to like 5.