Bring back the removed raids and raid lairs with no changes like the reprised D1 raid, just bring them back like the original since current raids can get so boring at the moment and bringing them would mean new people can learn them and players who already know can have more stuff to do again
I read an article that reported an update on Bungie's Red War lawsuit (some rando is suing them for allegedly ripping off a story on his self-published blog for their Red War update). The article basically said that for the suit Bungie was required to produce their Red War storyline in-game so it could be compared to the blog. The thing is, Bungie was unable to furnish any actual game content related to Red War, and had to use YouTube fan footage of a player going through the Red War story. Even in a court of law, Bungie couldn't bring back that part of the game, meaning that Bungie literally does not have the code/files/whatever needed to reproduce their retired content. It's not sitting on a server somewhere, it's gone. We will never see their "vaulted" content again.
You're clearly not up to date on the news. Bungie have said in a court document that they can't even open the old files & no longer have access so there's zero chance of any of it ever returning.
I, like many others, have given up on this fight. The BDF are too strong. We're not getting any of the old content back unless they can charge for it. Just accept it like a good Toby.
Spire was buggy af the one or two times I cleared it but it was fun. So was eater. Wouldn't mind crown coming back either so I can get the shadow title. Had some idiot throw on purpose multiple times during flawless runs right before they removed it from the game.
I'd like to play them since I never did when they were live, but I can't see Bungie bringing them back exactly as they were. It seems to me players would be ridiculously overpowered for them now.
I'll take Crown and Spire back but you can keep the rest of it.
They're not coming back.
It's too much work for them to fix and update the raids released for destiny 2 that are on an outdated code. Instead, they will rebuild from scratch an entire open world area from the previous game from an entirely different and older engine just so we can enjoy it for a few months. Oh and they will also rebuild an entire strike from destiny 1 and bring it to destiny 2. Now don't mistake me for complaining about this completely, I want ALL my content brought to destiny 2 as was promised years ago by Bungie when they said everything would carry on through the 10 year journey..... My complaint is the fact that it's too much work to give us back the content they stole from us from THIS game and instead spend energy on revamping content from the PREVIOUS game as TEMPORARY CONTENT and act like they are being creative and innovative. "The Lodestar is the first ever primary ammo trace rifle" Remember people, these are NOT the same devs that gave us destiny 2, these are the corporate yes men and yes women bringing us the woke profitable agenda for their business overlords.
With contest mode, please!!
[quote]Bring back the removed raids and raid lairs with no changes like the reprised D1 raid, just bring them back like the original since current raids can get so boring at the moment and bringing them would mean new people can learn them and players who already know can have more stuff to do again[/quote] They probably can't, like the red war it's most likely gone forever
Bungie: reselling content in a future season…hmmm, we like it!