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3/10/2025 5:08:40 AM

How Far This Game Has Fallen...

...I loved the story in the Witch Queen, but the story since has been trash. I used to love playing Comp, but Comp since then, has been trash ... you put a person on my team, whom jumps off the map repeatedly. You then put him on my team the very next game - after I spent the rest of the game reporting him - only to ban me for quitting, because you put him on my team again. I used to love playing Trials, but Trials since, has been trash ... you put people whom sprint to their deaths, repeatedly, on my team. Then you put said person on my team - again - and ban me for quitting ... I feel like this is a pattern. You pair absolutely terrible players with competent players, and accept the outcome. But, you fail to take in to account the "human" factor. There eill always be that player that intentionally kills himself to end the game quicker. Also, there will always be that player that tries his hardest, why not promote him?

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  • You haven't even played The Final Shape story or did ANYTHING in the Pale Heart and as far as PvP, you are part of the problem and expect every player and random match up to be tailored to you and quitting when it isn't. Ever consider changing how YOU play with randoms?

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    4 Replies
    • The pattern is that [b]you[/b], by your own account, keep ending up with randomly matched players that try to end the match as quickly as they can. I see 2 possibilities: 1. It's a conspiracy against you. 2. Well, look at the common factor.

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    • Edited by Itcus: 3/10/2025 7:04:35 AM
      [quote]I feel like this is a pattern.[/quote] Your feelings are irrelevant, but your supposition is in fact correct. The problem is with [b]YOU[/b]. You load into a game with random people and expect the result to go the way you want and if it doesn't you quit. Quitters are losers by default and should be banned. Come at me, I care not. You know the rules, either play by them or endure the consequences.

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    • You got suspended for quitting, not banned lol. If the whole game is trash to you, your timeis better spent finding a game you think isn't. You can't measure "try" in a video game, so you definitely cannot promote based on it lol. Just win, baby.

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    • Edited by Salty-47: 3/10/2025 7:11:51 AM
      I'd say the game is doing perfectly fine. More so seeing as how you haven't played for almost 2 weeks, and the last thing you appear to have done pvp wise was rage quit 2 matches. Kind of seems like you're the issue with pvp when you can't even handle finishing a match. It also 100% is a pattern. The pattern is just that you take the game way too seriously and then rage quit and expect no form of consequences for it.

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