besides the fact that it should NEVER have been put in the game in the first place. with the .2 second TTK's and your stupid as F refusal to do dedicated servers. hunters can just run around kill people before their invis even drops the dodge and be invis again.
Just remove invis, we know you wont because we know how much bungie devs love to suck on hunter -blam!-.
at very least remove the ability for hunters to shoot while invis, that would save some of the issues.
Also, remove all forms of skating, movement hacks. anyone that uses them should e prema-banned.
Even if we would stop moving and couldn't shoot our guns, most of you would find a way to -blam!- and blame us.
Remove barricades, 1h kill shoulder charges, 1h kill abilities, healing rifts, overshields, arc/solar/void souls from PvP. Make every super who hits first gets the kill and not 1 super is unkilkable in an animation and another isn’t. Give every roaming super the same damage protection. Give every roaming super that needs to be at very clise range an option to clise the gap like warlocks have blink.
Edited by Mr_Flossing: 3/10/2025 7:31:05 PMThat’s like saying remove void titan over shields or get rid of warlock rift, you can’t just get rid of it. And also if you can’t skate that’s on you bro, skating isn’t cheating and bungie has literally said they’re keeping it.
It's not even "invisibility" anymore, might as well call it "opacity."
I mean, it’s really not THAT bad, skating isn’t that much of a problem either, I’m not sure what exactly the issue you see in that is, anyway, most weapons hover at 0.67-0.80 sec TTK, so I’m also not sure where you got that number from,