Bungie please buff the Osteo Striga, it's been completely gutted with the recent nerfs. If the OG perk seems too strong, then something a little less but oh man how the mighty have fallen ;(
Edited by Meatbaag: 3/10/2025 4:14:20 AMIt's the same hype loop. Hype something and make it OP or fun to sell an expansion, then act surprised when people start having fun, then claim other weapons don't get enough use and "we're bringing it in line with other weapons in the arhcetype" ..cough (nerf).
Bungle discovered that too many players enjoyed using it, so it had to be nerfed. Fun is always a reason for a good nerf.
Edited by Part Timer: 3/10/2025 2:33:43 AMLook. they're doing their best. I reckon you give it 5 years, Osteoporosis/osteoarthritis will be a thing of the past.
I second this. However, I felt it was never that good. I wish it had armor piercing rounds!
I can hear a salesman shouting “Come get your MOGA shirt!” Lol
its' [i]slightly[/i] better this season on the Dreadnaught with the right builds. But other then that, because well Bungo redid the Dreadnought need I whine more, one of my fav D2 guns rarely gets used anymore so a nice health buff, which isn't nerfed 2 weeks later, is very much desired!!!
They did. They called it Barrow Dyad /s
I haven't used it in awhile. Only time I did was when I would wear necrotic grips.
Spam, Kell Of Hunter Dodge
What the hell are stats? - old
[quote]oh man how the mighty have fallen[/quote] Me everytime I see the name Bungie