I have cross save enabled for Xbox PlayStation Steam and well the dead platform who shall not be named
My main cross save account is PlayStation and it has been since cross save became a thing
(Altho I play on PC now)
My problem is I want to look at my destiny 1 stuff on my Xbox account on any of the vault, dim, ishtar commander but I just can't because I guess the way cross saving works is it just redirects my login for my Xbox account to my PlayStation account
Which is disappointing cuz that means I have to disable cross save for my Xbox account just so I can see my destiny 1 characters and vault that I have on my Xbox account
This obviously is only an obscure issue that not a lot of people are going to have but I think it's kinda weird that this issue exists in the first place
I thought the way it would work is if I logged in to my Xbox account on any of these apps it would give the destiny 2 data for my PlayStation account since they are linked but destiny 1 would be just my Xbox stuff
Swat The Bot
Bungie fan. Here since 2008 - old
Cross-save has zero impact on Destiny 1 because it doesn't exist with that game. Cross-save is for Destiny 2 only.