So as a fan of Tattoos, and as a prior military guy that was loosely related to the Navy begrudgingly, us Marines tend to like things such as tattoos.
I want to get a few more at some point, currently only got a Celtic dragon on me shoulder. I like tattoos and find them to be kind of creative.
I know that society has had rough history with those with tattoos, but not everyone with them is a criminal or sailor.
[i]My main question to you today is what are your first thoughts when you see someone covered in tattoos?[/i]
[spoiler]Personally I see either one of three types of people:
1. A creative artistic person who may seem different but are still fun pleasant people to be around and full of energy.
2. You found the old salt-dawg sailor at a bar as he discusses this one time he was at sea and he seen the Kraken.
3. I find that I have interpreted multiple red flags of someone who did some time locked up, and I can read a story based on imagery that was used or placed in specific areas without them saying a word.
If its a lady with tatoos I have a whole bunch of thoughts I cant describe here without getting banned