Hey, we're a group of laid back adults and currently looking for new friendly people. No pressure, no elitism, we understand life comes first. If you're tired of clan drama or ridiculous requirements, this might be the place for you. We welcome everyone, regardless of skill level, experience, platform or time zone. We're not interested in your KD or raid report, however we'll ask you to join our discord server, because that's where we hang out with each other and look for teammates. Since we want to maintain a mature atmosphere, min age requirement is 20. You're welcome to check us out on discord. No obligation, if you decide to join, our admins will help you out. Clan's name DΞSTINY :) https://discord.gg/JHptj94TTp
Hey! Not sure if you’re still looking but I wanted to reach out. We’re an active, mainly NA time zone end-game PvE focused clan who dabbles in PvP. We run all of the content, both new and old and want others who are interested in the same and are active within discord and playing with clan mates. I can also, send you a Discord invite to check us out if you want, but below is our clan page. https://www.bungie.net/7/en/Clan/Profile/5255948