To use only exotics that amplify the hip fire of certain weapons that also benefits its perk makes it definitely difficult to counter and making it more a movement then about gunplay and less require to aim. We basically repeating history and making players rely using certain exotics and not investing making others usable and using other weapons to play with for fun. Bungie you adjust the hitbox especially for spam hipfire meta and tommys in pvp its a pve weapon adjusted the damage so it in line with other or don’t surpass and stop it being exploited in pvp. Kill the weapon and we can start using different weapons again.
Just goes to show , if something is slightly useful at all, there will always be people complaining about it Because there are normal D2 players, then are people who just exist to get the latest greatest thing killed because they are offended being killed by it And now there are even people complaining how fast others finish PvE activities
I saw the stupid YouTube video about this. I matched a few people using and never felt it to be oppressive. I know a YouTuber told you this was broken, but it really isn’t. I know that’s hard to hear…
Edited by Griever: 3/10/2025 2:46:16 AMIf the common factor is 1 specific armor piece being combined with exotics that benefit greatly from that armor, maybe the ARMOR is the problem considering the LARGE NUMBER of players who didn't complain much less glance at the problem weapons. Tommy's isn't a problem, it's damage is fine, especially when the bonus damage on it comes at the cost of self damage like Touch of Malice, hence why no one uses it either, and once RDM gets nerfed, Tommy's usage will plummet. The problem is the pants that effectively give you an additional 10 or so range to your weapon, Offhand Strike, and bonus accuracy and movement speed while hip firing. You don't nerf a weapon because an armor piece makes it too strong, you're only negatively affecting any other characters builds with it otherwise. Besides, hip firing with any but like 3 weapons is unreliable at best. You suffer more flinch, have more recoil, less range, less aim assist, less bullet magnetism, and if you *are* close enough for hip firing to be viable, you're either swapping weapons or you're fighting in a position where it's VERY easy to over correct your aim, especially on controller.
Lets not destroy every hip fire gun in the game just because of 1 exotic armor interaction please.
how about we nerf RDM inside crucible?
Edited by Louyang: 3/10/2025 11:42:11 PM1. Tommy on it's own isn't busted 2. RDMs is why it's so popular in the first place where back then it was so damn rare to come across
I have never once seen a player mention Tommy's matchbook in the forums until now. Neither that nor even Sweet Business. I see more about RDM. Maybe do something for RDM specifically to pull it from being too meta, but I don't see too many hip-fire based weapons like TM or SB going anywhere.
All the PvP sweaties complain that movement is the skill gap, we get an exotic that encourages movement and still everyone complains I just don’t get it ….
The issue is rdm. While hipfiring you lose a bit of accuracy and range similar to other hip fires but with rdm instead you get a boost making the hipfire purely better than the aim down. Which it already rewarded by reducing the hp drain of the ignition trigger from like 10-15 down to like 5.
We're talking about a gun with 0.75 TTK up to 25 meters. Its no Last Word with a 0.52 TTK or a DMT that could hipfire 3 crits at 80 meters. Its a noob killer.
Tommy’s isn’t broken tho, it’s just RDM. Honestly bungie should just make it so exotic primaries don’t benefit from RDM’s.
Was playing trials today and was losing lol.. was being carried by Tommy teammate 🤣
Yep seeing more and more in pvp. ….i wonder why 🤷🏼♂️🙄🙄
Edited by Kiro - 13: 3/9/2025 11:03:24 PMTommys is fine, its RDM. Its an exotic with multiple exotic effects rolled into one. Its does nearly all the same things as Dragons Shadow and Speedloader Slacks, begging the question why do they even exist? 3 charges of dodge is exotic in its self and should be all RDM does, with all its other effects removed.
Edited by Hawpy: 3/9/2025 9:38:32 PMIt went under the radar in the first look for balancing RDM because nowhere in the perks does it actually say that Tommy's Matchbook has better hipfire accuracy. It's just something that fits with the theme of the gun but is otherwise secondary to the main perks, unlike Last Word and DMT where hipfire is basically the only reason you're using them. It should definitely get an adjustment, but it's not nearly as bad as those two were.