Even the standard passage is loaded with sweaty basement dwellers high on monsters and Adderall. 0-5 after 0-5 and no one wants to help me with advice or network with me. Its very likely it will not change anything unless I somehow legally proven trials contributed to my declining mental state. Please excuse the venting, I'm open to constructive criticism 😔 assist a [ redacted] autistic kid out.
its not you, the "experienced top players", are ximers, chronus max, Low lifes, dont feel bad about anything tbf, i play crucible for years (ditched) my kd years ago i just dont give a F anymore, you can see when a player is good player, he will take cover strafe, kill you with body shots, sometimes a hs, thats a good player, not these trash mf that every kill is a Hs against 3 guys shooting at him.