I can’t be the only one that feels like Destiny will make us play a 15 minute mission in which we’re doing nothing but sprinting the whole level killing a few enemies only to get to a boss that we just bulldoze right over.
it takes longer to complete the puzzles and navigate your way than it does to beat the actual boss.
The hardest part about the mission is figuring out the correct path to follow. I would much rather play a level that is easy to navigate to the final boss and then spend 10 to 15 minutes, fighting a worthy adversary, a challenging boss.
The problem I have with Destiny is that it falls flat when the solution to the issue isn't just shooting something. When I have to stop and interact with crap to start a damage phase is when the game goes from fun to a boring slog. No other good shooter makes you stop to do some crap like Destiny and for good reason it completely kills the pacing. Sundered Doctrine is by far probably the worst designed dungeon in the game. Lens holders are annoying to interact with (why they aren't just shoot to rotate baffles me). Second encounter completely lying to you with damage numbers with precision hits "working" but they don't actually do precision damage. Final encounter is the jankiest thing with Threadlings lagging and flying across the sky(almost like they aren't designed to be hostile in PvE environments) then the Boss arbritrarily deciding where he stands during damage he could be right in front of you or at the back of the room who knows where he will go? Someone made a good point about the mechanics where it just becomes very boring on repeat clears of an activity like a dungeon or raid because it plays out the same way every phase, and the only raid that even mildly changes it up is King's Fall spawning taken enemies after half health on some bosses.