Even the standard passage is loaded with sweaty basement dwellers high on monsters and Adderall. 0-5 after 0-5 and no one wants to help me with advice or network with me. Its very likely it will not change anything unless I somehow legally proven trials contributed to my declining mental state. Please excuse the venting, I'm open to constructive criticism 😔 assist a [ redacted] autistic kid out.
its not you, the "experienced top players", are ximers, chronus max, Low lifes, dont feel bad about anything tbf, i play crucible for years (ditched) my kd years ago i just dont give a F anymore, you can see when a player is good player, he will take cover strafe, kill you with body shots, sometimes a hs, thats a good player, not these trash mf that every kill is a Hs against 3 guys shooting at him.
It's not you, it's designed to feed less experienced players to average players. Check your games matchmaking, I'm sure you'll spot glaring issues with matchmaking, it's on purpose. You're fighting the algorithm
Best thing to do is stop playing trials. Letting the playlist die off is the only way to force real change.