You have legacy and the then the new one YOU NEED to be able to type so people can know what you want to do. I used the new one last nite selected HAVE A MIKE and guess what ? No mike and we did kells vengeance so basically carried the guy and only 2 of us swapped buff at the end and he’d grab it then wipe us cuz no mike. Legacy and new are splitting the player base and bungie has let it anguish for awhile now. At least with legacy I can type HAVE A MIKE or KWTD or need a well please figure it out sooner rather than months later tell Pete to please hold off on that new car for awhile
It's your responsibility to ensure your applicants have what you're asking for. It's on you if you decide to make exceptions, not bungie. Every game with multiplayer, to my knowledge, says in their user agreement the company and their affiliates aren't responsible for the behaviour of online player to player interactions and that they may opt out of monitoring at their discretion. Besides, you don't need a mic for Skolas. Just take the debuff when the holder turns red.