I cant be the only one that experiences this but if i am so be it. Ever since the rework went live ive had alot of fun in trials getting better as a player or worse in certain matches. But every time i get to my 4 win streak match or 5th win streak match the Teammates i get either have just started playing, go afk/leave or have a strange combination of weapons or exotics (in my last match i had a warlock on strand using gateway artists and adimatite and a sidearm cant remember which 1). And then the enemy team is basically all pvp player. Am i the only 1 experiencing this cause it does get on my nerve a little.
Eventually you'll get just pvp players when everyone has the armour sets collected. But it'll be a while because some numpty at Bungle thought it would be great for armour to drop from the lighthouse chest and weekly challenges instead of random drops from engrams In short my dear boy, you'll just have to persevere.