This week I've had the worst experience and matchmaking in trials, there have been several games in which I've faced off against rank 11 players (irrelevant but has good equipment)and on my team there are level 6-7 players (Most of the time, the ones I get are not the ones who are good and very skilled, unfortunately), so in one I faced off against the 3 on the other team who had Osiris emblems and had good weapons and were skilled and on MY team the ones I was matched with had somewhat random weapons and were a bit bad (no offense to them, it's okay for them to play).
look i'm not THAT good at pvp but i can be pretty decent and last week everything was fine in terms of matchmaking it was a GOOD experience everything was well balanced as far as the game chose the players between the teams, but this week it's unbearable and frustrating. I think there has to be a bug/error in the matchmaking and how the game determines the teams, you know how BUnGie is that suddenly there are errors/bugs in this game (no offense to anyone since that's normal in a game that's been active for a long time).
And please feel free to share your experience this week at trials.
Thank you for your attention.
Be brave guardians.
Please do not create chaos, be more considerate.
edit: I know that ranks have nothing to do with pvp and there are rank 5-7 that are very good. But FROM MY EXPERIENCE when I face someone of rank 11 they are ALWAYS skilled, please do not comment on this further.
Casuals jumped into the first Trials after the revamp, got their rewards, hit the Lighthouse, had a miserable time doing it, and now they’re gone. Now it's just back to the sweats farming each other and wasting everyone else’s time. The rep rewards are trash for a huge chunk of the player base, and the grind to get them isn’t even close to being worth it. Trials would be more popular if losses on a Lighthouse card gave a decent chunk of rep, but here’s the thing—matchmaking is so unbelievably bad that casuals end up in nonstop games where they have a 90%+ chance of losing, often with nothing to show for it. Right now, Trials feels like a mode specifically designed to waste your time and give zero dopamine. Only a tiny fraction of players actually get fun and rewards out of it.
Solo q and get matched with teams if 3 seems super balanced this week if only Bungie could do something right
Just came here to say guardian rank doesn’t equate to PVP skill. Looks like nobody else pointed that out, so I thought I would. Hey OP - did you know that? [spoiler]😂[/spoiler]
[quote]I've faced off against rank 11 players and on my team there are level 6-7 players[/quote] Literally irrelevant. Guardian ranks are a check box of things you've done; they are not a good measure of skill.
Rank 11 players are [b]not[/b] the folks you should be afraid of in PVP. Its the rank 7's that'll likely be the most sweaty.
Comp is trash and unfortunately trials is also trash. I have a love hate relationship with it. While people keep saying “oh you must be the problem”… when your .2 and .4 teammates die and it become a 2v3 or a 1v3 there’s not much else to do. Matchmaking is bad.
I think majority of the players are good in this map so this week it seems everyone is having their peak time
Edited by glitchHiker: 3/9/2025 9:43:23 PMGuardian rank means sh*t and has nothing to do with PvP.
Oh, I didn't notice, I didn't need another Sniper to add to the pile of unused snipers I already have
It’s luck of the draw. Last week took me 7 games to get flawless, this week took me about 71.
Sounds like your teams are balanced and their teams are balanced. To me, I see no point in complaining that you aren’t getting carried by getting teamed up with better players...
This week was pretty good for me. 14 games to get my 7 wins, 3 game streak. Last week was horrible. But I think the map was hard and maybe killed the population a bit and so matchmaking suffered. First weekend after the changes was the most fun so far. Probably due to larger population checking it out. I enjoy PVP but I’ve never really engaged with Trials much.
Definitely needs more sbmm
I'm not sure what guardian rank has to do with as far as pvp
people still pay for recovs and then there's also closet/toggle cheaters still around. They wont ever fix it and comp and trials will forever be a joke. they need to remove any mention of competitive from this game.
rank 11 doesnt matter that just means they play alot of pve and trials is supposed to be hard not everyone is supposed to go 'flawless" doesnt help that you arent doing the best while using some of the more meta weapons aka its open skilled matchmaking and not the loose skill based matchmaking that it used to have
Edited by JetEyeKnight: 3/9/2025 9:05:22 PMGetting mostly brand new (seemingly) players on my team. The PVE loadouts in seeing in trials is crazy
Whilst I feel your pain guardian it was the opposite for me this week. Last week was horrid for me, it took 33 games to get my 7 wins with only a 2-streak, whereas this week it only took me 16 games with a 3-streak. Maybe I'm learning, maybe it's RNG? 🤷
Edited by Auronio: 3/9/2025 5:04:29 PMYou have asked for feedback, bro. It took me this week 14 games to reach 7 wins and Lighthouse. Which was both the 3rd LH week in a row and my quickest as well. It was LWLWLLLWLLWWWW. Last two games I clearly was (unintentionally) carried, the rest I could stand my man. You are Gold III, I am Bronze III. I assume I was particularly lucky this week and you very unlucky. Most likely mm is not bad in principle but rather consistently unbalanced to either one direction.
There is no point in playing trials. O whoopee, you can get a new adept weapon. I’m not gonna play trials just to end up with a headache. I’ll admit I’m not a good player and you have to be a good player to play trials, that will always be the case.
Edited by Hawpy: 3/9/2025 8:48:00 PMIt took me much longer than I was expecting to get even a 2 or 3 streak this week, especially compared to the previous two. I did eventually get the flawless run but it also revealed that I have all the Shaders now, which was pretty much my only motivation to play. I also dislike this map much more than the other ones. Even Solitude has the variety of CQC and the occasional long lane, while Endless Vale feels like every fight is at the perfect distance for a Pulse Rifle i.e. Redrix's Estoc. It almost felt like this was a week of Void Hunters using the Estoc as much as possible before the nerfs come and they have to play better to get the same results. As expected, the player count has dropped again and it will only continue to trend in that direction, so I'm not hopeful that future weeks will be much better.
It’s a skill issue. That simple. Stop trying to ruin everything for the rest of us when you just need to get better. Stop making the same bonehead plays and actually learn from your mistakes.
Edited by Fitz: 3/9/2025 7:39:50 PMAlthough the changes are hugely positive, the key thing to appreciate is that the pool of players diminishes substantially. Attrition of players out of the trials ecosystem is standard pattern for the playlist. Week 1, everyone and their dog was trying it out. The majority had fun and were rewarded, some tried it, didn’t like it and left permanently(Then we weirdly had IB which killed some momentum the playlist had). Week two, the amount of players was a little smaller, so skill differences are more noticeable and people who have had a bad experience leave the playlist again. week 3 has an even smaller player base, and the skill differences become even more pronounced. ..and so on….. The playlist population will get smaller and smaller, and the matchmaking will get more and more shonky….
Being rank 11 is not about skill at all. 'Thats why a lot of players arent above rank 7. Its just a check list of things to do that arent even that hard and mostly boring.
I made you mad enough to stat check :) - old
Being rank 11 doesn’t mean much. It certainly doesn’t indicate skill. -
Edited by Tahllinavian: 3/9/2025 5:44:44 PMYes, its -blam!-, getting my first light house is impossible.