i cant do the checklist on step 6, i have tried all the workarounds (join someone doin that step a new; got the check on a squad, then join the teammate with the quest on progress; only pick the collectable, only doin the puzzle, and both; and all that). Tried that on the 3 puzzles, cant get any progress.
Are there any news on a fix, i want the catalyst and get rid of that quest asap
Hello there, Thank you for reaching out. We understand you are unable to progress past Step 6 of Rogue Network. As you seem aware, we've been alerted to this issue in the past and are looking into it. For any updates on this issue, we recommend viewing our Patch Notes as they become available, posted on the [url=https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News]News [/url]page.
Message 4 puzzle is the only one i cannot get to appear progress shows five and six. I’ve spent an hour loading into an instance post end of encounter 1 and no joy. Also which triumph are you referring to?
If at any time the puzzles are not thier, then just wipe to refresh the instance. This is a bug that is caused by the game checking multiple players instances if players are on different steps for quest, or have quest done. It also helps if the first person to enter the sector where the puzzle is, is the person that is on said quest step for said puzzle. Also if the step is not progressing for you, then try to do the puzzle yourself, and collect the reward, also do all the puzzles in one session, and that will force the triumph checked off, do then all you have to do is claim the triumph inorder to get into final puzzle room. Also EVERYONE in the fireteam has to have that triumph claimed, if one person does not, then that barrier remains up. If you join someone who is already in the room, to try and cheese it, then the barrier goes up and gives the person inside a turn back which results in thier death, however if they are fast enough they can finish the puzzle, before the turn back kills them, thus giving everyone who is loaded in, and close to the sector registration zone, the catalyst completion.