It happens waaaaaay to often for the BS mele wiff to happen when someone slides . How tf can the character not lock in mele when they are in their face locked in looking at them! ?
It’s insanely bad with shiver strike too. Not even worth it. Might aswell use shoulder charge
Peer to peer connections. It's not getting fixed. It really can't be fixed without a new connection system, which costs money so we know that aint happenin either. It does suck and is annoying.
Easiest fix would be, if my character lunges, make the melee auto hit. Similar in fashion to where if you get hit by the initial detonation of a magnetic grenade, you automatically get hit by the second explosion.
Agree 💯 ... it is beyond a joke.
Facts I’ve been noticing melee whiffs occurring way more frequently
Try doing that with any melee super, especially Spectral since that seems to have the worst hit registration of any melee, enough times in a row that you would've numerically done enough damage to kill the enemy team 3 times over.
Yea I hate playing CQC because of this.
Edited by Spam, Kell Of Hunter Dodge: 3/9/2025 12:35:53 PMSpam, Kell Of Hunter Dodge
What the hell are stats? - old
Old halo melee lock on was pure payday night vision activation noise (sword flying is one) I quote, “what happen?” -
I think they legit cant fix this tbh. Its a 10yo bug at this point they would have made smth already or aknowledged its existence.