Solo Master Wrath of the Machine Raid
One of best all-around exotics in the game. Not endgame PvP, but they're fun in 6s... teammates love overshields and DR. Enemies hate being chased by blinding jolting Moths. And in PvE, I'd put it top 3. It does nothing for focused DPS against bosses, but they do everything else. It's the best grenade in the game, it isn't even close. And the synergy is bonkers, initially it doesn't seem that way... seems like a gimmidk. There's a fragment on prismatic that buffs your light abilities against darkness debuffed targets. So you throw a stasis shuriken, it chains amongst the mob... then you throw your moth into the mob . Then you'll go invis... then your next melee slows and weakens. And you can chain that over and over... super charged blinding jolting moths. That's one example on one subclass. It is vastly superior to a blinding gl, and frees up that DPS potential. It's better than flashbangs on arc... because you get 2 by default, they track... can be used anywhere, at any time without risk to the player. You can't hurt or blind yourself with your moths. The same cannot be said for a blinding gl or flashbangs. They stun both overloads and unstoppables. There is no better grenade in the game and I'm including speaker's sight and the healing nade turret. They're easy to start using, while offering great depth for build crafting and skill gap. I can't take them off. I love my moths so much. Barry and Larry 😇👍💠. The worst thing about them is the default ornament... but there's one for silver, if you wait... it will be available for BD. If I would make a recommendation to anyone that enjoys Hunter... get Mothkeeper's, build a kit. I'd say its versatility more than compensates for their lack of viability for Boss dps... they're great for majors, champs, and minis... They are class agnostic... any class that might be juiced via the artifact or current sandbox tuning. Top 3 PvE exotic in the game.
Edited by cryptic_king_241: 3/9/2025 8:46:09 PM4th page of rahool's focusing unlocked by prestiging him. Exotic engrams give a base value of 150exp and with a specific armour piece 500exp for 2 ascendant shards. Prime engrams are 100exp. You need 10k total to prestige them.
2 ways. Either max out rahools rank which will unlock a "secret" page where you can buy any exotic you haven't obtained for a cipher. Or 2. Since it's a pre-final shape exotic it has a chance to drop from vex incursion.