You have legacy and the then the new one YOU NEED to be able to type so people can know what you want to do. I used the new one last nite selected HAVE A MIKE and guess what ? No mike and we did kells vengeance so basically carried the guy and only 2 of us swapped buff at the end and he’d grab it then wipe us cuz no mike. Legacy and new are splitting the player base and bungie has let it anguish for awhile now. At least with legacy I can type HAVE A MIKE or KWTD or need a well please figure it out sooner rather than months later tell Pete to please hold off on that new car for awhile
Who’s Mike?
MIC You seem like you're adept at english so why type MIKE?
Maybe the guy's name was Mike and he was just confused.
Use the discord, and all your issues will be a thing of the past.
So let me get this straight🤔 You knew they did not meet your requirements and you proceed anyway? Sounds like that was your mistake. (Also they might not be named MIKE) lol
If you ask in your lfg to have a mic, you should make a test and if it is successfull, then you start the activity. In your complaint, seems like you didn't make that test, so it's all on you.
Pete: *drops wine glass*. Tell me what?????
Raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaageeeeeeeee. welcome to destiny ,the game where bots need carrys. i know the feeling and im used to it. and yea lfg finder is a joke. they should just add some bonuses for those that use mics and penalty rewards for those that dont use. How hard is it to just use a mic,person dont need to talk,just listen.
It's your responsibility to ensure your applicants have what you're asking for. It's on you if you decide to make exceptions, not bungie. Every game with multiplayer, to my knowledge, says in their user agreement the company and their affiliates aren't responsible for the behaviour of online player to player interactions and that they may opt out of monitoring at their discretion. Besides, you don't need a mic for Skolas. Just take the debuff when the holder turns red.
You don't need a Mic to kill Skolas, the game tells you when to take the poison, and with a bubble and swords should be an easy one phase But if you absolutely have to have one, check with each member before launch, if no response remove player and wait for replacement, then check them
That’s why I use lfg discords. I can post my requests easily instead of having to rely on stupid tags.
At a minimum there needs to be a better way to have requirements. Why ask my “minimum guardian rank” if you will let anyone apply for it anyway? If I wanted a rank 6 to join my GM I would have put rank 6 as the minimum. Instead I tend to put 8 for end game content.
1. No, we don’t need custom titles. That’s where recovery/paid posts thrive. 2. If they didn’t meet the requirements, why did you start the activity without them having a mic?
Edited by sonjalovestyson: 3/8/2025 11:08:43 PM
[quote]You have legacy and the then the new one YOU NEED to be able to type so people can know what you want to do. I used the new one last nite selected HAVE A MIKE and guess what ? No mike and we did kells vengeance so basically carried the guy and only 2 of us swapped buff at the end and he’d grab it then wipe us cuz no mike. Legacy and new are splitting the player base and bungie has let it anguish for awhile now. At least with legacy I can type HAVE A MIKE or KWTD or need a well please figure it out sooner rather than months later tell Pete to please hold off on that new car for awhile[/quote] So how do propose bungie deals with this? This has nothing to do with LFG It's a player issue, both yours and players that join but don't meet requirements.