The most braindead easy to use free damage ability in the game. Makes 0.5 kd trash bags a 3.0. I am so -blam!- tired of you stooges at Bungie HQ working at a snails pace to fix your game. No wonder player count always goes right back to nothing after a content drop. Your game has no longevity because pvp is a shitshow.
They did it was easy to beat before the nerf and still is now
It does 20 damage. Calm down.
I don't understand why it's free, just sit there crouched no shooting or killing pop barricade and wait 3 seconds but hunter and warlock have to kill 10 things, makes no sense why it's so fast and free
Edited by MC 077 Lasombra: 3/9/2025 6:34:09 PMSays the dude running the hunter meta special, crying about trash bags killing him. Guess your crutches don’t help you. Learn to play better lol PvP has always been a crap show, it doesn’t retain players. Y’all PvP mains keep thinking PvP means something and it doesn’t. Pve matters. When they mess with that, the count drops. Get over it. PvP is a joke and so are people who take it seriously
nothign to do, they already removed the artifact from pvp so is fine
just keep moving it get rid of the damage by half the reason you're getting melted is because the damage is being added onto the weapons making it a eaiser ttk or slight faster