I've been saying this since Witch Queen. Nightstalker needs more utility other than Invisibility for PvE. They already had good uptime for it with just a few abilities. It was so unnecessary to make every single ability in its kit grant Invisibility--especially since Nightstalker can hardly get any additional benefits from it. Sure, they had Gyrfalcon, Omnioculis, and Stylish Execution, and that was it. On the Prowl is hardly any better. No inherit effects like improved ability regen or faster movement speed while Invisible, and Stylish Execution requires you to kill Void debuffed targets to use its effect, basically keeping it from synergizing with the rest of your kit.
Nightstalker was marketed for Void 3.0 as the Invisibility and Weakening expert, yet, nearly all the focus was on Invisibility. Why couldn't they lean more into Weakening, or creating traps? Why couldn't they have Vanishing Step leave behind a Weakening cloud, or a Void decoy that detonates and Weakens nearby enemies it damages? Why couldn't they have Trapper's Ambush grant a second Smoke Bomb charge, and increase its radius and duration, or allow you to convert your Smoke Bomb into a Void trap that creates a cage around enemies when they step on it, dealing damage to them over time? Why couldn't they allow Stylish Execution to apply weaken to surrounding enemies if you deal a melee final blow on a Void debuffed target?
They could have done so much more with Nightstalker, but they decided to continue doubling down on Invisibility. They need to step away from that, and focus on more offensive utility.
[spoiler] Welp, it seems that many people disagree… [/spoiler]
The Nightstalker super is garbage and really weak. Easy to kill and a lot of times against other supers you need 2 hits which is complete bs.
I won’t lie when it came to on the prowl… I just hated it for a very good reason It offered nothing that the hunter couldn’t already do with the void subclass I mean look at warlock and titan when it comes to void… you get a void buddy for AE damage, you get weakening and it can give you devour if you have that as an aspect Titan, you won’t believe actually has an aspect that works on both bubble and sentinel Titan, as it gives you two shield or a stronger bubble depending on super Meaning what does void hunter bring to the table… wooo invisibility… that doesn’t help if everything is DEAD.
Why you ask, because of PVP and nerfs. Honestly I'd rather Bungie revert all night stalker nerfs and simply not allow anyone access to pvp with night stalker equipped
It’s because of the crying by all the PVP streamers.
I don't think the problem is Nightstalker's design beyond the available Exotic Armor. It just needs a really solid DPS performer in the form of Exotic Armor. Everyone has the same Fragments & Grenades. Melees don't really matter. The Supers are already incredible. There's an argument for a slightly more offensive Aspect to be added, but even then I don't believe it's necessary. Really just needs some quality Exotic Armor that provides some DPS options.
Anyone disagreeing with you is either completely awful at the game or have never touched nightstalker since void 3.0
That's what your other subclasses are for. You can't have 1 class that's good at everything. No one would run any of the other Subclasses.
A melee ability that uses my void blades in some way would be pretty cool. Maybe something like Escape Artist or Backstab on Bladedancer's Blonk Strike I don't have a problem with stealth being the main focus of Nightstalker. What bothers me is that I don't have any alternative to the smoke bomb that keeps getting nerfed over and over again.
I don’t know, you can’t have the equivalent of consecration or lighting surge on every subclass. What it’s lacking on the offense [u]a bit[/u] I find it largely makes up for in buff and debuf and survivability, especially in high end content. You can spam volatile rounds, invis and proc Devour quite easily with the exotics perk. I think if you lean into the class strengths it’s quite potent.
Edited by Ghostfire239: 3/9/2025 6:04:39 AMI’d like to see Möbius Quiver get a significant damage buff to its base damage across the board. It should be somewhere between Base Nova Bomb and Base Twilight Arsenal. The subclass also needs a new melee. Maybe something like a Void mini-crossbow that applies volatile.
Spam, Kell Of Hunter Dodge
What the hell are stats? - old
Nightstalker grants infinite chain explosion and invisibility Thats so OP I made a build for it in Warframe -
Is it still called Way of the Trapper? Regardless, it isn't designed to be offensive, it's your support class. Each character has 1. Your other 2 are offensive.
eventually we might get second melees for the neglected subclasses i wish the darkness classes had another melee as well
I wish they'd rework Shadowshot into 1st person and basically make it a bow version of GG. At least then you could reliably hit directly with Deadfall if you need to. Allow allied shots that hit the anchors to spread to other enemies instead of body blocking them. And if course, Spectral needs buffs. I'm sorry, but an assassin super that gets outrun by everyone else, has significantly less range than any other melee/ close range super, has ABYSMAL hit registration, loud as hell, and is the only super that needs to waste additional energy for "maximum" duration and resistance? No. It's absolute garbage.