Is there any way I can get bungie help or something to unlink my Playstation account? I don't remember anything for it and cannot recover it. It's preventing me from linking my steam because I assume it wants all accounts authorized.
It's incredibly frustrating. I just want to play on pc now that I've made the switch.
Hello, Thanks for reaching out! Unfortunately, you will need access to the platform account in order to unlink it. We recommend reaching out to their support team for assistance with recovering access to the account.
Swat The Bot
Bungie fan. Here since 2008 - old
For security reasons, the only way to remove an account is to log into it. Bungie cannot remove platform accounts, only the owner can. If you're unable to log into one of your platform accounts, you should contact the platform for help regaining access. If the platform is unable to assist you, then you're stuck with it forever. [quote]Destiny Player Support and Bungie cannot modify or remove accounts linked to profiles. To protect player privacy and data, you must be able to log in to any linked accounts to prove ownership prior to modifying your linked account. If you no longer have access to a linked account, you will need to reach out to the specific platform’s support for assistance with account recovery options.[/quote]