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3/8/2025 6:20:52 PM

Can we please, for the love of everything that's good, have more vault space?

The additional 100 slots, while greatly appreciated, just isn't enough, especially considering how many new weapons you've introduced to the game since the Final Shape launched. We've gotten around 12 exotic weapons, and 6 exotic armor, not including Ergo Sum and the exotic class items. We've also gotten over 30 primaries, over 25 specials, and over 15 heavies, not counting most world drops, reprised weapons, adept versions, holofoil versions, or any weapons not yet released. That's easily already over 80 of the 100 slots, and if we consider Ergo Sum or the exotic class items (which, conservatively, we might keep around 10), that's 90. That only leaves 10 slots for adepts, holofoils, any alternate rolls (PvE/PvP), or any other new, upcoming gear. These numbers are all highly conservative and I rounded down for most of them. Not to mention this doesn't account at all for any legendary armor, or other items we might wish to hold onto since the release of the Final Shape. If we do, it's clear that the additional 100 slots just isn't enough. Please don't make us wait until Frontiers/Apollo before you give us another 100 slots.

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  • Or just make anything available from collections. 80% or more of those items you can't get back.

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  • I've got an idea, how about Bungie stops giving us new gear every few months and instead focus on the content itself. We've got so much crap as it is, maybe we need to use what we have rather than wondering where we're going to store all the crap we never use anyway.

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  • 698/700

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  • I agree. And coming soon will be more armor with unique perks for each so that will be a problem. I have very minimal amount of legendary armor but after the updater later this year there will be a use for the unique system. Also, without a vault space increase there is less interest in acquiring new weapons for activities because there's little space to save them. I do cycle through my weapons and utilize a large portion.

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  • It's great getting flooded with all these new weapons and Adepts, but I'm spending more time juggling and cleaning my vault than actually playing nowadays.

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    1 Reply
    • Edited by Salty-47: 3/8/2025 6:25:41 PM
      You don't need to keep everything, and it's also not Apollo that the vault space would be coming. Bungie said behemoth, so you still have over half a year before even getting 1 extra slot. Delete the useless, never used, never going to be used items you have in there. I mean, both weapons and armor are getting changed in Apollo, so why bother keeping things that will be outdated? It's also never enough. People will complain about needing more a week after it gets increased. Stop hoarding and the issue is solved.

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      25 Replies
      • Guy, read “life-changing magic of tidying up” and look through your vault. You should be regularly going through and getting rid of items, based on if it’s a good roll and/or if it’s even a good weapon/armor. You should be evaluating items based on their usage. You cannot store everything in the event that some specific roll of a specific weapon happens to be good on a particular season. That’s not sustainable.

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        7 Replies
        • More vault space won’t solve the problem; within a season people will be back demanding more vault space.

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          8 Replies
          • Just delete older stuff. Follow the Datto approach. If you didn't use it in a year or longer you don't need it. I'm a hoarder myself and keep a lot of stuff, also some for sentimental reasons. But the reality is I own from every weapon and armor type multiple different versions which provide the same results. In reality I don't need 20 swords or 50 scouts or whatever. Yes, the new nether machine gun has some juicy rolls. But will it replace my Hammerhead? Never ever. I own about 20 SMGs but I use maybe 3 or 4. ... ... ... Dismantle.

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          • Clean your vault.

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          • Honestly, I just want the vault to have different tabs/folders. That way, you have all your weapons in one folder; all your ships, vehicles, ghosts in another; and then all your gear in either one big folder, or maybe 3 separate folders (one for each class)… I think having everything separate would reduce the need for “more space” cuz it will be easier for people to see that they have wayyyyy too many duplicates/variations of the same item, and that they can safely delete a bunch of crap. Right now, you just toss everything into one bin & have to flip thru a mess of items. Yea, you can decide how to “sort” the items, but separating everything will more clearly show which types of items are just being over-hoarded.

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            3 Replies
            • I don't understand how people don't have room, not being nasty or anything but how the hell does anyone have 700 items worth keeping? I have under 100 items in the vault and I've been playing since 2014 with over 5k hours logged. Stop keeping trash you'll never use. You don't HAVE to keep one of everything.

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              • you really dont need to keep all the weapons. lets say you have 200 spots for armour, there is no way you are actively using 500 weapons

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                • Why are you collecting everything to begin with? If it’s better than something you have, delete the old stuff. Not rocket science. You’ll never have enough space for everything, so basic reasoning tells you to get rid of redundant gear. And the ‘oh but it could be meta a year from now!’ argument is banal. You’ll have or will get a meta tier weapon by then and are just wasting valuable slots.

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                  6 Replies
                  • Wish I could see pics of vaults from you hoarders...

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                    3 Replies
                    • I honestly feel that ppl with vault issue just need to do these simple solutions; - remove every gun with less then 1000 kills pve, 100 pvp kills. - remove every duplicate gun with different arctype. See 3 scout rifle that are stasis, and I would even say different arctype would remove, see kept confidence and round Robbin. - remove multiple exotics duplicate or remover every exotic that’s not masterworks. After this you should easy have 200 slots open. You have to realize when stuff will become meta it wil be reintroduced into the loot pool with better perks. So don’t hord stuff, especially stuud you don’t use.

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                      12 Replies
                      • Vaults have 700 spaces. Load Loadouts have 10-12 saveable spots. You have 3 characters. In those 3 characters, 30-36 loadouts, and 700 Vault spaces, there's no way you have enough weapons and armor to fill up 700 spaces. Most weapons have a definitive god roll, some have a few, a good handful are craftable, and a larger portion are trash weapons. Armor after all of your loadouts are saved and are tuned to your liking just become ornament collection. Only way you'd be hurting for Vault space is if you follow specific CCs and save duplicates of everything unnecessarily.

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                        1 Reply
                        • Bungie should have just given us all 100,000 vault spaces so that way we could keep copies of everything. Why should I have to manage my inventory? It's a looter shooter, not a looter manager.

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                          6 Replies
                          • Delete your trash

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                          • And like, maybe two new loadout slots as well. I’ve got a lotta PvP builds I wanna try

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                            2 Replies
                            • Anyone that responds to this that thinks we don't need more vault space should be doesn't affect them..or their game play. Op is asking for space which I also need. If YOU have space then good for you.. Your opinion about what we have in OUR space is a non factor..Troll elsewhere or better yet touch grass. Btw to the 5k hour plus guy I got 9k some folks collect guns some folks play Barbie. Live and let live ..

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                              4 Replies
                              • Not now what’s the point . Game is fading out and most of the new weapons are garbage . Manage better

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                                2 Replies
                                • I spend a lot of time dealing with the nonstop flood of new weapons and repeats of older weapons…and I play on my W / H / T - roughly about 1/3 per. Just by playing vanilla stuff, it’s a virtual overload. Yes, I recall the D1 vault…mine’s packed with all the D1 goodies! That’s not the point… If a Guardian is happy with a minimalist approach to vault happiness - well done! That’s your own beeswax. If a Guardian is not happy with the constant overflowing vault situation - that’s their beeswax. This conversation is between them and BHQ…not you. 👈 They don’t denigrate others’ who boast that they have loadsa-space (allegedly); 🤔so, go eat some porridge and kindly mind your own beeswax. 😉 BTW: This old tortoise needs lots more vault space, and how! 😁 That is all. Ease Springs! 🫡 MDGA

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                                • [quote]The additional 100 slots, while greatly appreciated, just isn't enough, especially considering how many new weapons you've introduced to the game since the Final Shape launched. We've gotten around 12 exotic weapons, and 6 exotic armor, not including Ergo Sum and the exotic class items. We've also gotten over 30 primaries, over 25 specials, and over 15 heavies, not counting most world drops, reprised weapons, adept versions, holofoil versions, or any weapons not yet released. That's easily already over 80 of the 100 slots, and if we consider Ergo Sum or the exotic class items (which, conservatively, we might keep around 10), that's 90. That only leaves 10 slots for adepts, holofoils, any alternate rolls (PvE/PvP), or any other new, upcoming gear. These numbers are all highly conservative and I rounded down for most of them. Not to mention this doesn't account at all for any legendary armor, or other items we might wish to hold onto since the release of the Final Shape. If we do, it's clear that the additional 100 slots just isn't enough. Please don't make us wait until Frontiers/Apollo before you give us another 100 slots.[/quote] For all the folks that haven't figured this out yet: vault space is kept to a minimum for the same reason they cap resources. It's a nefarious way to force deletion and increase playtime. Anyone with any knowledge of computers knows that as soon as a trait is saved in a system it can be pointed to without consuming memory. It's incredible how many people don't understand this and defend against getting more vault space. What exactly is going on in these forums?

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                                • I’m a grown adult who can manage both my time and my inventory! I love D2 and Bungie & I hate all the negativity surrounding the game. I don’t like that the haters try to say that the game is a waste of time!!! How dare someone tell me how to play and spend my time! If you don’t like the game, why play AMIRITE!???!!! Which leads me to my main point about vault space: despite hating to see hate about the game, here I am on the forums here to tell you how you should play! -vomits vault space tips-

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                                • 0

                                  Son of a Kaiju - old

                                  Without dedicated servers that will only put more stress on the game unfortunately they already got to "vault" things to put new stuff in if the player data takes up too much space there won't be room for a game at all....

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