I’m a d1 veteran who plays everyday I have 3 buddy’s we’re all looking to join a new clan
sent you a dm :)
Hey! Not sure if you’re still looking but I wanted to reach out. We’re an active, mainly NA time zone end-game PvE focused clan who dabbles in PvP. We run all of the content, both new and old and want others who are interested in the same and are active within discord and playing with clan mates. I can also, send you a Discord invite to check us out if you want, but below is our clan page. https://www.bungie.net/7/en/Clan/Profile/5255948
Hi, here, Founder of The Future War Guardians from d1 Alpha. Mostly UK based. We are a small clan around 20 members casual clan but we play all activities in destiny, (and other games together). We use discord where clan mates are encouraged to put events up to suit there lifestyles. All power levels welcome, new lights and vets. Thanks for reading.
We are laid back clan looking for new members, there is no requirements how often you should be online and what level you are at. No age requirements either. The only rule we have is to be nice to each other. You can bein our discord clan and be joined in another clans too. We don't judge. Sometimes we talk on discord and sometimes in the game. Don't be afraid if its quiet from time to time, remember we are laid back chill clan :D if you are sherpa and would like to teach new members just let us know to assign you right role :D Welcome If the link expires let me know in the comment https://discord.gg/pZKGaE7AQu
Hey, we're a group of laid back adults and currently looking for new friendly people. No pressure, no elitism, we understand life comes first. If you're tired of clan drama or ridiculous requirements, this might be the place for you. We welcome everyone, regardless of skill level, experience, platform or time zone. We're not interested in your KD or raid report, however we'll ask you to join our discord server, because that's where we hang out with each other and look for teammates. Since we want to maintain a mature atmosphere, min age requirement is 20. You're welcome to check us out on discord. No obligation, if you decide to join, our admins will help you out. Clan's name DΞSTINY :) https://discord.gg/JHptj94TTp
[✦] Tired of Playing Alone? Join Shadows of Calus Today! [✦] 3800+ Members, 13 Clans | All Skill Levels Welcome | LGBTQ+ Friendly https://discord.gg/shadowsofcalus [b]Who We Are:[/b] We are the [b]Shadows of Calus[/b], a vibrant Destiny 2 community and family. With over [b]3800 active members[/b], we offer an inclusive, welcoming environment for new players, seasoned veterans, and endgame challengers alike. Whether you want to tackle [b]PvE[/b], dominate [b]PvP[/b], or just find like-minded Guardians to team up with, we’ve got you covered. [b]What We Offer:[/b] ☀ [b]Sherpa Program:[/b] Learn raids, dungeons, and other activities from experienced players. ⚔ [b]Endgame Content:[/b] Join fireteams for raids, Day 1 clears, and PvP tournaments. 🥇[b]Trials Carries:[/b] Weekly raffles for SoC members to go to the Lighthouse with our experienced Trials Sherpas! 🎉 [b]Events & Giveaways:[/b] Weekly custom events and giveaways for Discord Nitro, emblems, expansions, and more. 📚 [b]Resource Hub:[/b] Strategies, guides, and tools to elevate your gameplay. 🌈 [b]No Toxicity:[/b] A supportive, LGBTQ+ friendly space for all Guardians. 💬 [b]Active Community:[/b] Multiple LFG channels, scheduled events, and constant activity to keep you engaged. [b]How to Join:[/b] 1️⃣ Upvote and spread the word (optional, but appreciated!) 2️⃣ Join our Discord: https://discord.gg/shadowsofcalus 3️⃣ Say hi to our friendly staff and choose your clan—it’s that easy! 🔹 [b]No Commitment? No Problem![/b] Feel free to join our Discord, explore our resources, or find fireteams without joining a clan. Come experience the camaraderie of Shadows of Calus for yourself!
I seen you applied! We are happy to have you! I DM'd you!
Do yall have discord?
messaged you