HORUS SHELL does not fall, I have already had several victories in Osiris and it does not fall, it is the only one I am missing, I would like to know to continue trying or leave it, I have been trying for hours
I got Horus shell last weekend after a game and i only had a 5 winstreak. This weekend i got the new trials shell after a game despite only a 2 winstreak on my card and only 4 wins in total. So you must be unlucky.
Edited by viiTactiiCZz: 3/8/2025 6:02:16 PM[quote] I have been trying for hours[/quote] People have over the years spent weeks/months attempting to get specific cosmetics. Outside the knockout list eventually guaranteeing it, it's a RNG drop and can take hundreds of wins.
Rng be Rng