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Edited by codeack_volition: 3/9/2025 4:23:37 PM

trials matchmaking issues

EDIT: ignore the "copy" guy, hes just negative and gives 0 advice, he just trashes on everyone in the post because he has issues. sorry all. you can check my account i think to see im not just trash complaining, iv went solo flawless both weekends before this one since the rework. but this week its been a slog, it took 7 hours of playing to get to a 3 win streak. 7 DAM HOURS. running the same gear as before that does great for my playstyle. this weekend it feels like an utter slog as i get a few good games in with teamates who know what to do..stick together play the obj ect. then ill get the ever lovely gaurdian rank 5 no mosterowkred armor doodoo states double auto rifle pve armor mod teamates who run off alone to the other side of the map from me and the other guy, die, and then oh..shocker.. we get steamrolled 5-1 because i get lucky and 1v3'd them that one round. matchmaking last weekend and the first weekend was NOT like this. i was topping out the board 12+ kills, some games a roll, others close as a hairs width. anyone else having these issues?. is the population low rn or someting? or am i really just getting that unlucky??

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  • That build ain't getting you far my dude :)

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    • So you’re upset that you’re not doing good as last week? Map changes rng teammates changes. It is what it is and you get what you get. I’m so tired of people complaining like bad teammates and bad matches only happen to them it’s happens to everyone….its called equality.

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      4 Replies
      • You were just lucky the first two times. That's all. What you experienced this weekend is what happens to pretty much everyone in solo. (which is normal) Sometimes you win a few matches in a row and sometimes you lose a few. Nothing special

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        Once again, another scrub looking for Bungie to cater to them. What you don’t realize, or better yet, choose to ignore, is the fact that this is a SKILL ISSUE. You suck. That simple. Stop making the same bonehead plays you keep getting punished for and actually learn from the errors you make. Improve, don’t complain.

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        12 Replies
        • How can people complain about Trials? Amazes me. It is easier than ever. 7 wins for a lighthouse. Yet here we are. Literally the easiest Trials has ever been. How the fook are people complaining.

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          • Why is it, that in the majority of matches that i loose, i have to have teammates that just constantly die first, cannot hold there own, just run out there or point down a lane, etc and just die and never learn, im constantly a man down every round in these matches i loose. Its rare that i get those games where its the other way round, even in the games i win with good teammates, it feels tough, no potatoes on the other side!

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            9 Replies
            • Matchmaking has been terrible lately 😭

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            • Not as good as you think you are.

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              • Don’t know about that, all I know is there’s something weird about match 5. I went flawless 7-0 all three weeks and noticed that match 5 is either I double carry or we lose.

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                • Edited by Dooodley: 3/9/2025 2:02:08 PM
                  My guess is that there was an inflow of people like myself - people who typically don't PvP and just wanted some quick rewards - at the start of the new system. We got what we looked for and got the hell out - leaving the sweats to do their thing.

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                  5 Replies
                  • I had to unlock god mode to win my 5th match. It’s much tougher without the mercy card to go “Flawless.”

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                  • Played one match, got a win and decided to leave it there 😂

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                  • respectfully you a .68 overall this week going barely 1.08 with double primary with one of the worst hunter exotics and arc hunter on a map that heavily punishes if you don't use special or abilities that are really close range trials is meant to be a hard completive game mode use a build that's better and you will get better results before complaining about matchmaking because you are going against burgers at best

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                    22 Replies
                    • The PvP team suck, after all this time they still can’t get the basics right. The matchmaking is all over the place, I’ve been put in matches where the opposite team is a 6 stack clan and my team are all random, lagging players everywhere, hit registration is spotty at times, and they release a PvP pulse rifle that just dominates, if they’d play tested the game then they’d have known it was busted, If anyone else was that incompetent at a job they’d have been let go which tells me that they either don’t care, don’t know or just don’t exist.

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                    • I keep getting dotards on my 5th win.

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                      • Send you a dm

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                      • Im by no means a good trials player. Do well in freeplay and very average in Trials but can hold my own if the matchmaking is decent. Last weekend i got 5 win streak and top of the team in some matches. The games was not all steam rolls there was some nail biters wich i prefer. This weekend im sittning with 2 win streak and 4 wins in total on my card. Have no idea how many hours ive been at it but i gave up. Not wasting my entire saturday night for this. Its just steam roll after steam roll its not even fun. Also noticed ive matched the same players - bad sign. I think most casuals like myself got the loot they wanted last weekend due to double drop bug, me included, so they dipped out. Only reason i played this weekend was hoping for a 5 winstreak again and chance to get the ship or sparrow. But yeah..something is off with the matchmaking or the player pool has taken a nose dive.

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                      • EVERY MATCH IS 0-5 or rarely 5-0

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                      • It really is RNG. I was playing a card earlier, got 4 wins without issues. Game 5, my teammates literally had zero kills and we lost, despite me going positive. My next game, I had to backpack sooooo hard in order to win. Remaining games were a breeze with great teammates. It is as random as the perks that drop on a given gun - sometimes you get your god roll right away - others, you must grind forever.

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                      • Trials in solo Q has been RNG lottery for awhile now. Not sure what you're expecting? If you want competent teammates 100% of the time, form a group.

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                        7 Replies
                        • There's a new sniper adept available so I guess that has peaked the attention of the pvp sweats.

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                          5 Replies
                          • I keep getting 2 people that just leave not even halfway through the match, so I'm by myself having to jump off the map every -blam!- round

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                            4 Replies
                            • I solo queued, took me about an hour to get 7 wins. Had a 4 streak at the end. Good enough for me. Until next time !

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