Tommy’s matchbook is the new last word in competitive.You hunters better count your days maiming this cheese when 90% of you don’t even like it, I guarantee non of you used the gun a day in your life.
Funny how I used this weapon 5 years ago and it was off meta and fun. Now that RDMs are changed it’s cheesy and cringe.
[quote]Tommy’s matchbook is the new last word in competitive.You hunters better count your days maiming this cheese when 90% of you don’t even like it, I guarantee non of you used the gun a day in your life.[/quote] PvP is nothing but scared pulse rifle users and cheese lovers like Tommy’s. Free kills no skills rinse and repeat.
How many weapons will have to be adjusted before bungie realizes RDM is overtuned? Maybe giving any weapon with decent hipfire capabilities near aimbot levels of accuracy and a range boost is a bit much
Dude, be happy tommy's is being used by more people
It hunter hipfire meta now..
Hey look another cry baby
RDM should be reworked again
It’s fine