[quote]I’ve never seen a Meta get stale so quickly[/quote] I hate using it. Along with LW before it. How are you making out without Khepris? As one of the few Titans that put thought into his build and practiced movement that didn't come strictly from Arc or Stasis.
Idk about builds, but try running prosecutor, that thing is still insane. I’m surprise more people don’t use it, i think it’s still one of the best feeling guns in the entire game. It hits 33 to the head, and even on the longest lanes on this map, it still hits for 29, so worst case you need to hit an extra bullet or two to kill. Not to mention it not having much recoil.
What you don't like the new game mode where everyone tries to kill each other with Redrix? lol
like slow pulse rifle can't wait to see players using the broken stasis lock build
At least a weapon is involved. Member shatter dive?
If you want to play with a handicap, there’s tons of builds!!
Yes, it’s called using what you like/find enjoyable
I've been using Blast Furnace with Recluse, haven't been flawless but I can get to the lighthouse within 12+/- matches
Weighted Knife go boi-oi-oinnng
Bolt charge barricade Titan RDM radiant dodge Tommy’s Warlocks are generally the same
I've been having fun with anonymous autumn with desperate measures and a lightning surge prismatic build. Any melee/ grenade kill juices up anonymous autumn... I pair with a desperate measures stay frosty for double the desperation! (Choice of buffed weapon after the melee kill) I know, it's not much better than Redrix... but it's different
FREELANCE or bust - 3/11/2025 1:57:13 AM
I enjoy a neutral build that I rarely change... and then investigate and constantly swap weapons to see what works.. and also cause same weapons are boring to me... Void Warlock, Vortex Everything, Ophidian, Primaries only, never exotic weapons I used Autumn Wind/Randy's + Forgiveness in Comp and it was solid my longest stretch with the same weapon is like 3 games to see if its good or a dismantle.. often 1 good game is enough (or less) to cause a dismantle or check of temporary approval anyway its fun for me -
I never really cared for meta in PvP and when I tried i have rarely seen a big difference. Right now I use DMT and Riposte with knucklehead radar, it’s steady.
ask for any subclass and exotic and i can make one for you in like 10 mintues
I have 2 on my hunter one with arc i wanna try, the other is solar. My titan is have 2 so far maybe 3 if I get this void one down and adjusted.
I have 3