I’m getting terrible teammates around my skill level and going against people to at been flawless 4 times over. Why is my matchmaking so messed up this weekend it wasn’t last weekend.
Edited by Zu: 3/8/2025 5:05:38 PMBecause people are starting to wake up from all the "Trials is revamped" hype. They made losing more profitable, but in addition, they made truly winning much harder for the average Trials player. Mercy systems made the queue bearable, but the matchmaking will always prevent the mode from being truly enjoyable. This game's population is not healthy enough to make trios have their own queue, duos and singles have their own queue, and then a challenger vs a practice pool on top of all that. If they brought back the two mercies card but it gave you the same post streak rewards as the current flawless card, and kept the new change coming for adding trios back into the mix with duos and singles, I think Trials would be perfect. Elitists would hate it because flawless will be easier to obtain, but overall, the game would be more enjoyable for the majority than it is now. Good changes imo, but still far off from success without addressing their biggest problem: matchmaking. And the only way to do that, is reduce the amount of splits in the population for the queue or make the pinnacle prize easier to obtain.