Hi all, recently whilst coming out of an activity a notification popped up briefly on my screen, I barely got to read it as before I could even get a chance to I was already loading into the tower and it disappeared from my screen, the only word I made out was WARNING. I fear this message was possibly about my current internet performance in crucible which has been less than ideal most of the time due to recently moving to a more rural place and a cyclone currently affecting the area I live in.
I'm quite worried as I'm currently going into my 11th year of destiny and to have my account banned or even suspended would be a huge blow to the years of dedication I've put into this game ( I even have a 7th Column tattooed on my ribs )
does anyone have any advice on how I can go back and read the possible warning ? Or if there's somewhere I can contact bungie to have the warning explained to me ?
or even just some tips on what to do moving forward, with getting better internet not really an option in the near future...
Thanks for reading, any help at all would be greatly appreciated because I love PvP and to have my account possibly banned would be a cataclysmic loss.
Edited by viiTactiiCZz: 3/8/2025 6:50:46 PMUnfortunately once it's dismissed it can't be viewed again, Bungie don't offer a way for them to directly check and explain which one it was. The most likely message given you saying your connection is having issues would be the connection warning, if a restriction gets applied it would be 2 weeks for the first one and then 2 months each time after. They don't issue account bans for connection issues - it's just restrictions.