Why does completing a lost sector on expert difficulty feel like a walk in the park even though my light level is 8 points lower than required, while completing an exotic mission with much lower light level requirements and the same difficulty level feels like being gang -blam!- by mobs? Question for the developers - does anyone even test your game content, or are you just dumping it on us at random. What I mean is that getting a catalyst solo for Wish-Keeper bow and Revision Zero pulse rifle was no problem at all (specifically during the release of seasonal content). But the latest exotic missions are completely unbalanced in my opinion. Also, I would like to note the overuse of the mob faction from the latest expansion, I think that the presence of these mobs in some places of the latest seasonal content is completely illogical.
In addition to the reasons in the other comments... Many activities scale now, or keep you at -5 no matter your power level. LSs are one of the few activities left that doesn't have that. Why I wait until the end of the episode to farm them... also I've typically done everything else, so it's always a fun cooldown type of grind... and in preparing for the next season/expansion.