Remove all -blam!- abilities that immobilize people. the ability uptime especially in competitive modes are still way too high. There shouldn't be any ability that can just freeze a person for 10 seconds.
Imagine playing a space magic game and complaining about space magic. 🤡🌎
Posts like these are funny. Freeze and suspend only lasts a good 1, MAYBE 2 seconds on players. Freeze is also extremely difficult to proc in PVP most of the time outside of supers. Suspend also isn't nearly as bad as freeze.
just don't get hit most abilities that immobilize or slow you have very loud sounds cues, are slow, or are so underused that they haven't been in a twab or you tube video in months get gud or just stop playing pvp
Like what? First, nothing acts on your character for 10 seconds. The closest thing is "burn" on solar abilties, and even that isn't 10 seconds. Stasis is one of the least used subclasses in the game, so Duskfields and Coldsnaps aren't that common. Smokes are getting nerfed in Act II. Suspend hasn't ever been a real problem due to how skillful / lucky you have to be to make it work consistently. Blinding grenades are practically never used. So what exactly are you talking about?
I hear cod is nice this time of year
There’s a new shooter that up and coming that you might enjoy: Call of Duty.
Edited by s: 3/8/2025 5:37:46 PMfreezes outside of supers should only slow. if you are good enough at the videogame this should still be very deadly. scorch should last half as long at most. sever should be less of a damage reduction. bolt charge should do 0 damage in pvp rather prevent shield regen for a short period of time. lightning surge should require sprinting time beforehand and shouldnt 1 shot additional teammates (tempest strike also shouldn't 1 shot additional players i have literally 1 shot an entire team multiple times with it). smoke bomb nerf coming is on point. scatter grenades should not 1 shot and need their damage nerfed. void hunter invis aspects should place a longer cooldown on their respective invis abilities less but similar to threaded specter. i have no clue what can be done about shiver strike though it and grapple melee need to be looked at because they are also both win buttons. suspend should enable ads. overshield provided by titan barricade should be halved and only have 3 charges max. that is more than enough to win a gun duel with. spectral blades needs a damage resistance nerf. you are waaaay too immortal in that super. shadebinder needs a little less projectile tracking. edit 1: hunter solar melees should no longer 1 shot on a headshot but bring you to 1 shot instantly. ill edit in more ability nerfs this is all i can think of for now. the center issue though with nerfing abilities too far is players start to heavily crutch teamshotting which ruins the game so anything further than what i have listed would be too much.
Edited by Tahllinavian: 3/8/2025 11:56:01 AMDisagree, have you played Trials ? Its terrible, you do not get a single super in an entire match unless you've maxed out intellect and even then you're lucky if you get one super charaged, your grenade takes a round and half to recharge with maxed discipline too for example. We've had this conversation before, you do not want Destiny 2 year 1, that was a terrible game. Abilities are a core part of Destiny and without them you have a very boring game.
Cry cry cry
There are plenty of non space magic games out there
I really hope you're not playing your titan or hunter in pvp then. I agree on this but you better be running lock with this post.
The only one that bothers me is the warlock one, where they toss something at you that freezes you. It's like an auto "I Win" button.
Agreed. Mechanics that slow or freeze players in PvP have no place