I can’t be the only one that feels like Destiny will make us play a 15 minute mission in which we’re doing nothing but sprinting the whole level killing a few enemies only to get to a boss that we just bulldoze right over.
it takes longer to complete the puzzles and navigate your way than it does to beat the actual boss.
The hardest part about the mission is figuring out the correct path to follow. I would much rather play a level that is easy to navigate to the final boss and then spend 10 to 15 minutes, fighting a worthy adversary, a challenging boss.
I wish Bungie was better at quest design, a lot of the time the missions/quests follow similar formats and require doing the same activity multiple times. Granted with the way the game is set-up puzzles are one of the few variations they can do to vary up the content. I would hazard a guess that the high Bungie creative leads don't like input from those on their team. However, I could be wrong and they're actually very collaborative.