I don't know about you guys but I think the new trials glow system where certain glows are locked behind the number of wins and cannot be changed is really annoying. I went flawless the first week of trials and all my weapons are now locked to the red glow/paint. The old system where we use the emblems was great because we can control the glow/color. Even though I haven't gone flawless since week 1 my weapons are still red. The armor and vehicles have gone back to normal but for some reason the weapons haven't. I'm literally considering just winning 5 games and stopping there just to get the gold glow/color back. Please change this Bungie, it is very annoying and unnecessary.
yes it's not very cool, likewise they had updated so that all the ships, sparrow also shines and this season the 2 new ones strangely, no xd, bungie's logic what do you want
My character looks like a Stormtrooper, and all I want is the white glow. The red looks awful
[quote]I don't know about you guys but I think the new trials glow system where certain glows are locked behind the number of wins and cannot be changed is really annoying. I went flawless the first week of trials and all my weapons are now locked to the red glow/paint. The old system where we use the emblems was great because we can control the glow/color. Even though I haven't gone flawless since week 1 my weapons are still red. The armor and vehicles have gone back to normal but for some reason the weapons haven't. I'm literally considering just winning 5 games and stopping there just to get the gold glow/color back. Please change this Bungie, it is very annoying and unnecessary.[/quote] Let me earn chroma colors and apply them to pieces when I want to.
Both systems are bad you should be able to choose what glow you want after unlocking
I always liked the white glow the best. Is that still around?
im just mad they made the emblems useless i liked that they were unique that's my only complaint about trials.
Ahhh so that's why my Exalted is still Red, I wish we could pick the colour because Silver looks pretty nice on it imo. Then again either colour is no big deal to me, red is still a good look on gold, same as black on gold and etc but it would be nice to have the option.
Nice to see it’s not just me. My weapons are silver from last week and I also would like my gold back. It looks better with the shaders I have on them, plus I’m not really a fan of silver. This also doesn’t make me want to go flawless so they don’t turn some other color.