As is, it's got buff after buff, and it still isn't worth using over cataclysm Nova. Every other subclass had their multiple versions of their supers removed and introduced new ones. So what should happen is remove vortex nova bomb and repalce with with Warlocks very First Melee Based super a Scythe! Introduce a new exotic that collapses nova bomb and its seekers into lance! Similar to how Celestial collapses, its golden gun shots into one.
Edited by autopatch: 3/10/2025 3:37:20 AMNo, it is not time. Please check back in 2399. Do you know that you can shoot the Nova Bomb to stop it? Especially if you team shoot it?
Really all I'd do for Vortex is make it grant devour upon killing an enemy.
Just combine both NB and give us the void scythe super from destiny rising
It’s better in PvP imo
I want Lance back so much.
Instead of a buff let's rework it. Give it the fast animation and straight trajectory of Lance, split into three, all-at-once Bombs like Shatter and impacts would make three smaller Vortex's that would have the ability to draw in nearby targets. What, too much? Hardly. This is what is needed to make this good.
They just need to make it interesting, like have it spawn void souls or apply a 20% debuff and have its votrx grow by 50% over its duration.
Nah just give it Lance property and make targets that die inside the vortex feed the void and increase the vortex duration, also making it behave like a black hole would be cool. Originally on voidwalker cataclysm was for damage and vortex for ad clear but this kinda went into a weird place once they added warp.
Edited by NerfPaladins06: 3/8/2025 7:43:34 PMAdd lance effect and tons of people would jump on it
There is no love for warlocks from bungie
No! It is very useful in PvE as it sucks all ads in one spot so it clears easier when surrounded.
Noooo. I use it as n PVP and feel it’s he better option.