In my experience, most people have three characters with separate classes.
And yet, every post or person or content creator is titans this, hunters that, yada yada. But why not just switch? It's in the nature of the game that one class will just randomly be better than others, because it is impossible to be perfect.
Of course, everyone can and will have favorites, but why not branch out? why not try something new? Are those people so afraid of change that they can't cope? what kind of crap is that?
I guess I don't understand. Sure, some classes are annoying, but I can just go play those classes. So can LITERALLY EVERY PLAYER. MAKE IT MAKE SENSE!
Tried titan and hunter don't like how they feel so I stick with warlock I'm happy with warlock I still find it fun
Edited by MC 077 Lasombra: 3/9/2025 6:26:44 PM[quote] Of course, everyone can and will have favorites, but why not branch out? why not try something new? Are those people so afraid of change that they can't cope? what kind of crap is that? I guess I don't understand.[/quote] Of course you don’t understand. You’re making assumptions and running wild with them. About something that has nothing to do with you. That’s literal crazy thinking. So you’re kinda tilted in your noggin, not a surprise you can’t make sense of that nonsense you got running around in there. How about you….worry about yourself?
I don't understand the complaints about complaints about class balance lol You really trying to psycho analyze people based on them not wanting a certain build/class to be super powered vs the other ones? That's quite a stretch IMO.
I love all three classes. You have to take the time to find a build that works for you, and that can take time, but once you do I don’t find any of them to be lacking compared to the other. I said it many time, if you want to enjoy Destiny, especially the end game, you have to spend some time curating your build. I’m sure that’s why a lot of people think the grass is always greener somewhere else, they see someone who play a great build and it feels OP.
Same here… bizzare complaint
Agreed. I'm a warlock main playing titan (obvs) this season.
Edited by eliteg: 3/8/2025 4:31:15 PMeliteg
FREELANCE or bust - 3/11/2025 1:57:13 AM
This is such an important question that I hope Bungie understands it to a very high level. When I started D2 (not d1 or d2 original) during FTP time period. I just tested the game story.. see what its about and chose Warlock. So at first you fumble around and finally get goodish with your movement figuring out where everything is in the game and the main jist >> Red War was available and how I started to learn... so ok >> Save humans in last city from all these invaders as a Zombie. (all points IMO) [b]Point #1[/b] >> [b]Where in the storyline.. even to this date.. where in lore... are you a revived soul that goes into different classes[/b]? You are a revived guardian.. set class and you go along the journey. (no story points) [b]Point #2[/b] >> You want me to do the [b]same stuff over and over again[/b] with 3 different classes why? New story element, new reward... nope same thing just keeping up your characters... (this is not interesting) [b]Point #3[/b] >> Many will [b]not have time[/b] for that... while trying to "get gud" with their main character especially if PVP is considered. [b]Point #4[/b] >> Actually get [b]more vault space[/b] if you play 1 character... use the other characters to gather your gear or accomplish very quick bounties/quests. ....but man one thing I have learned after mastering Warlock movement... I can't stand the Hunter jump.. Titan makes more sense So to summarize... the expectation that everyone is playing and cares about 3 classes is false... and I would happily delete and go to 1 character if that will somehow help the game performance. The focus should always be on new content/events and the weapons... not how can we make them go through the hamster wheel in different ways so they don't realize they are going through the hamster wheel. -
While yes we can play all three, the thing is most people enjoy one class over the others. It’s more fun to play Warlock imo and some people feel the same about the other two. Plus depending on how much free time you have to play Destiny it’s really hard to keep all three max light and have good exotics and loadouts on all of them, plus if you play in a trio you probably want a balanced Warlock, Hunter, and Titan fireteam for most of not all activities so changing class could be annoying to your fireteam. For me I barely have enough time to keep up with all the seasonal missions and quests, get pinnacles, and grind for good rolls on one character, let alone three, and I’ve never really played with the other two characters so I would have to beat all the dlcs, get the good exotic armors and light up just to play the current content. It’s just about preference and time basically, plus people like to complain..