Did the "react to 10 trials matches" via the bounties on Twitch the first week Trials was active this episode. I received my rewards.
Today after reset I did it again and the pop-up said "weekly reward collected." I did not collect or receive any rewards!
Did Bungie forget to reset it while still letting me react to 10 matches again?
Hello there, Thank you very much for reaching out to us. I'm sorry to hear that you're having issues with the Twitch Bounty rewards. While the issue may be with the Twitch extension itself, we recommend closing the game fully, verifying the game file integrity, and relaunching it. We also recommend checking out [url=https://help.bungie.net/hc/en-us/articles/360048722432-Twitch-Extension-Support-for-Destiny-2#:~:text=Two%20Gifted%20Subs%20are%20required,and%20an%20exclusive%20Twitch%20Emblem.]Twitch Extensions help page[/url] for further information.