5 cheater with unlimited ult at Round 1 burning on spawn by invis grenades GG to this great anti cheat...
90% of all cheat engines can bypass BE...
and i reported him weeks ago with Round clip - prof Link - Screenshots and he can still playing??????????
Regarding pvp as a whole, i seriously can't believe how stuff like lodestar, radiant dance machines, redrix just all around, on the prowl invis spam, etc. makes it into the live game. What sort of pvp strike do you got working on the game bro? I really don't wanna be toxic, but god get some better ppl to work on your terrible little pvp strike team or whatever bullshit name you call it.
just uninstalled the game. calling bungie a dumpster fire is an insult to dumper fires. going back to halo where skill is actually involved.
Only 5?
Edited by nonchalantone: 3/8/2025 9:05:06 PMI'm garbage, 💯%! My teammates are WORSE than me!! Imagine how I feel!! 🤣 Just played with a guy on the other team who hadTommy's Matchbook, and literally every shot was a headshot. No matter if we slid, in air, behind barricades, etc. and he was teleporting. Crazy stuff!
Edited by Coal: 3/8/2025 5:40:52 AMI’ve reported cheaters that I’ve recorded and submitted to Bungie as well. Some of those cases are marked as “Open” and “Low Priority” after months.
In game cheater reporting doesn’t work. I’ve had a few over the last couple of weeks and nothing. Bungie needs all they can get for their player count because the game is rapidly declining.
LOL, PC master race.
Yeah I won’t play with my pc friends in trials anymore, shits funny coz I’m not used to it but crazy it’s not picked up at the same time
Edited by Demoniser: 3/10/2025 11:29:59 PMRedrix needs nerf, Battle Eye needs a buff, servers need a buff, casuals bailing so you're 1v3.. what a heaving pile of garbage you've turned Trials into. I've never been Flawless, but I'd rather you just reverted to what it was before the change.
Edited by Blastin Foos: 3/9/2025 1:07:46 AMBecause battle eye is 1000% dog sheeeeeeet
Bungie - There's no proof of this and if you have any we'll ban you.
they tweaked mm since last week, my teammates are awful
I just faced a CONSOLE lag switcher. Disappearing all over map, skipping frames do you can’t target them. Bungie is good at their job. 😂
Edited by CptnPunchy: 3/9/2025 2:14:41 AMwhy do people actually believe that battle eye ever did anything? its junkware that has no ability to stop people from cheating, it never has. the put that garbage out so they can legally claim they are trying to prevent cheating but it doesnt do anything, except force more lag into the game.
I reported a cheater 2 weeks ago & they put him on my team this week.
My issue has been chat. Couple threats and insults, one dude tried using my public profile to threaten bodily harm. Couple real questionably laggy people. Combined with smokes, bolt charge warlocks, and final warning, this has been one of the most hostile trials weeks I think I have ever played.
bungie employee ? . also they have to have something to say about how good marathon security will be .or you won't buy it.
That’s nice. I had 1 nova warping all over n couldn’t get a kill lmao not all these cheaters are good
this is what kinda joke B is. cheaters running around like crazy,u report them and bungie ignore it. I barely play the game anymore becus of how B ignore the players so im playing world of warcraft instead,but the thing is,if u see people use Bot programs for farming AND report them,it just takes a few days and u get a ingame mail in mailbox that they have checked out those players and indeed they have been cheating with bot programs and have been banned. But what do B do with cheaters,they seem to support them and let them continue.so how hard can it be to bann those cheaters,for bungie its hard. I WOTE for start to software ban people,only way to stop it. Its sad becus Destiny deserve so much more love than i gets now.
What does "ult" mean?
[quote]HES CHEATING SINCE 18 MONTHS LMAO[/quote] Absolute insanity. Not sure how he has been off the hook for that long