I’m getting terrible teammates around my skill level and going against people to at been flawless 4 times over. Why is my matchmaking so messed up this weekend it wasn’t last weekend.
All I’m hearing is, “wahhh, bungie I wanna be carried.” Get better…..
Honestly with Trials as long as I play well I do not care about the result. Gone are the days when you played with regular team mates against great teams with co ordinated team work. It is just a solo Q focused on everyone getting a trophy.
The first week of trials was so easy. Last week was -blam!-. Played a couple of matches last night, mm was -blam!- again
Worst trials weekend for me so far. It seems predetermined that I'll lose 8 of 10 matches. I know I'm average, but I can usually hold my own. There's always someone on the other team that will 1v2 or 1v3 us without breaking a sweat, not because of skill, but because they appear to shooting their weapon way faster than it should do. I've seen Crimil shoot like a pulse, Redrix dump 3 full bursts in one go, then one guy threw 3 nades in the same engagement. It's unlikely cheating, more likely visual bugs that cannot be countered because what I'm seeing on screen isn't even happening.
Trials, 90% is predetermined, 10% is actually fair. That's why I immediately skip Trials clips or YouTube posts about it. Watched a guy (streamer) switch to the easiest cheese in game , and talk -blam!- about beating a team, checked their stats and nobody was above .6. He bragged about going flawless to his 200 viewers and proclaimed he was "cracked ". Lol . Btw he reset cards too. Don't play trials.
Edited by Zu: 3/8/2025 5:05:38 PMBecause people are starting to wake up from all the "Trials is revamped" hype. They made losing more profitable, but in addition, they made truly winning much harder for the average Trials player. Mercy systems made the queue bearable, but the matchmaking will always prevent the mode from being truly enjoyable. This game's population is not healthy enough to make trios have their own queue, duos and singles have their own queue, and then a challenger vs a practice pool on top of all that. If they brought back the two mercies card but it gave you the same post streak rewards as the current flawless card, and kept the new change coming for adding trios back into the mix with duos and singles, I think Trials would be perfect. Elitists would hate it because flawless will be easier to obtain, but overall, the game would be more enjoyable for the majority than it is now. Good changes imo, but still far off from success without addressing their biggest problem: matchmaking. And the only way to do that, is reduce the amount of splits in the population for the queue or make the pinnacle prize easier to obtain.
I have no the same problem
Guys its not just trials, comp matchmaking is miserable as well. My son has a 2.4kd in crucible. He played on my account today and the team he was matched against steam rolled them. One guy just kept running into a 1 v 3 and dying immediately and the other guy tried but was just getting curb stomped. The opposing team just had to hunt my son 3 on 1 and there was nothing balanced about it. Cheating is also rampant and Battle Eye is a joke. Either Bungie is really bad at developing an algorithm that actually works or its working as intended to cater to you know who.
Do agree to be honest I’ve tried to get flawless I’ve got 0 wins on my ticket it’s just to hard and I try to get a win but why does this week the matchmaking is awful got flawless last time so I don’t know
Edited by Illuminatis_fedl: 3/8/2025 9:07:10 PMMm won’t change because it’s open skill meaning you get what you get. The lower you are on the totem pole the harder it is to get 7 wins. I got 7 wins no problem and even help someone else get 7 wins. Everyone gets terrible teammates on there card this is nothing new and everyone makes out to be like it’s just them. Of course I will say if you’re not got at trials and you get teammates as bad as you don’t be surprised if you get steam rolled. You’re joining an open skill Que with nothing to bring into the match. Edit: if you need help in trials and is on console I will help you get 5 wins and possibly 7 wins all I want is a 5 star yelp review 🥹 hit me up either on Fridays or Mondays.
I quite enjoy winning one game then losing 10 after that. It’s a great system.
I think we just need to skip mm and make an official D2 pvp group.
Bungie: because we stopped caring about D2 years ago. Support Marathon though.
Yeah, they changed something with mm because every match iis 0-5 or 5-0. I'm like 3-20 so far and it's a waste of time. There is no way I'm even getting to 7 wins
Sounds about right. Good luck to you. lol.
And my character feels like they are moving through porridge and I'm getting shot around corners.. plus just had 2 bail on me so 1 v 3... what a mess.
Regarding pvp as a whole, I don't understand how stuff like lodestar, bolt charge, radiant dance machines, redrix being so stupidly broken, on the prowl and invis spam, etc. makes it into the actual live game. Great work pvp strike team, kudos and thumbsup to you guys. Amazing, keep up the great work.
Trials needs some form of skill based matchmaking
its open skill you can play against anyone you just need to get better in the scenarios where you are losing whether it be reliance on teammates or not playing with teammates
Because no body plays this 🗑️… PvP broken 2 years and now with all the changes they make it only gets worse…
Same here. Won the first two and have been completely destroyed and outclassed ever since. And now I’m being error coded over and over. Matchups are horribly lopsided
Thought it was just me. After you go flawless, the game turns into blueberry flawless sherpa boogaloo every other match 🤭
MM never was good. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose.
All I want is armor to drop but no armor. Focused 20 engrams on my hunter and not one single piece of armor
Once again , useless -blam!- teammates, every -blam!- round they die first, absolutely brain dead player base.