Hi there,
Could I get any clarification on how Dreaming Spectrum is supposed to drop now?
Since Last Wish is in rotation I have done roughly 90-110 Kalli clears, but not a [b]single[/b] item with the Dreaming Spectrum shader applied to it. In collection it shows that you need to dismantle an item with the shader equipped, however at this point I am a little concerned that the drop may be affected since the raid changed from curated rolls to red-borders.
I'd really like to finally aquire the shader after all these years.
Edited by Mr_Flossing: 3/7/2025 5:38:50 PMYou have to actually do the raid more, don’t just farm it like a weirdo, you’ll have better chances of getting what you want with more raid completions Hit me up or sum though and I can help