WARNING: Be advised there is is alot of parrying with lethal plasma swords…
[i]The Covenant were orbiting a planet near the holy elden ring of pizza located in the breadstick system
The Fleetmaster turned around from his observation bubble and gathered his fellow Sangheili[/i]
“Brothers, with the holy elden rings of pizza located, we shall cleanse this galaxy of pizza hating filth and join the gods of pizza in divine transcendence,
For so we have sworn,”
(I forgot the Covenant pledge please don’t crucify me and then hang me and then boil my remains)
*War cry*
[i]As Oom’ Takoee descended from the helm, so started the great war over the galaxy of PIZZA
Little did they know, the humans have also found the elden pizza ring…[/i]
*que “100 boys sing the halo theme in a bathroom” and then continue with a Kazoo*
[spoiler](Heh, no way these anime medieval star wars era humans can take on The Covenant, unknowingly resurrected by Aifos’s dark magic which I borrowed and enhanced 10 fold carefully so I’m not consumed by it like a fool *cough cough* the piano incident, right?
Please do not say “hold my beer”)[/spoiler]
Also, heres your pizza
Sauceborne hunter - old
Hold. My. Beer -
3 slices for me, please. I'm hungry today! [spoiler]I thought you were fed up with all the pizza??[/spoiler] What do you think of "Best Served Hot" for the fleet name?
Edited by Spam, Kell Of Hunter Dodge: 3/7/2025 7:36:53 PMSpam, Kell Of Hunter Dodge
What the hell are stats? - old
What should I name the fleet… Fleet of Particular Pizza Crust?